Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Porn On A Plane!

I believe that porn should be allowed on airplanes, but I also think there should be some guidelines that come with it. While I see how people can be turned off by the thought, I don't think that censoring what people can and can't view over the internet is the right way to go about solving the issue. I don't suggest that people who plan on viewing pornography during the flight need special seating or curtains. I think that instead they should only allow pornography to be viewed if they have specialized screen covers that allows only them to view their computer screens. Wearing headphones to block out the sound is a must as well. Specialezed seating, personal curtains, or some sort of checklist allows everyone on the plane to have an idea of what you are viewing. Specialized screens, however, keep nosy seat neighbors, children, and flight attendents from knowing what you are doing on your computer, while keeping you satified at the same time.

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