Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bombs Bursting In Air

1. tinny voice
2. Squeaking out the impossibly high note
3. parents ferrying their families
4. splinters of shrapnel
5. being cocooned
6. tiny shockwaves
7. sweet crooked grin
8. impenetrable bomb shelter
9. fiery image
10. vastness of the starry sky

"Shooting An Elephant"

1. Hideous laughter
2. Sneering yellow faces
3. Grey, cowed faces
4. Expression of unendurable agony
5. Sea of yellow faces
6. toad under a steam-roller
7. grinning corpse
8. desperate slowness
9. long rattling gasps
10. caverns of pale pink throat

How to...Recharge a fire extinguisher

The first step in learning how to recharge a fire extinguisher is learning how to tell if the fire extinguisher actually needs to be recharged. To do this, you have to look at the gauge located on the head of the fire extinguisher. If the arrow point is in the green section of the gauge, this means that the fire extinguisher is still fully charged and operable. However, if the arrow point is in the red section, this indicates a loss of pressure and the extinguisher must be recharged. After determining that a recharge is necessary, the next step is to make sure there is no pressure left inside the fire extinguisher shell. To do this, you have to remove the pin from the handle, hold the hose away from you and press down on the handle. This will cause any excess pressure as well as some of dry powder chemical to be released. Once the fire extinguisher is fully leaked down, the next step is to remove the head. You just lay the extinguisher down on a flat surface grip the handle and twist the head in the direction that will loosen it. Once the head is off of the extinguisher shell, you need to remove the siphon tube, spring, valve stem, and o-ring, all of which are attached to the head. Once all the excess parts have been removed, you take a fiber brush and some WD-40 and clean the chemical off the inside of the head as well as the threads of the head. Then blow off any remaining WD-40 with a blast of air. Next, you clean off your valve stem, spring, and o-ring with WD-40, wipe them off, and reattach them to the head. You then reattach the siphon tube to the head. The next step is to take a small amount of grease and coat the o-ring with a thin layer. After all this has been done to the head, set it aside and focus on the shell. Pick up the shell and, using one hand to cover the opening at the top of the shell where the head goes and the other hand holding the bottom of the extinguisher, shake the shell around to loosen up the chemical inside the extinguisher shell. After you completed this, set the shell back down, take a fiber brush and thoroughly clean the threads where the head will be screwed in. Next, take the head and tighten it back onto the extinguisher shell. Then take an adapter and screw it into the opening where the hose goes. Use a "quick connect" to fill the extinguisher up with nitrogen. Now, your extinguisher has been recharged.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Legalizing Assisted Suicide

Legalizing assisted suicide, also known as voluntary euthanasia, is one of the most widely discussed and debated topics all over the world. While the number of supporters seems to be growing, as made evident by the number of countries and even a few American states that have legalized assisted suicide, there are still a great number of opponents who see voluntary euthanasia as morally reprehensible. Pro-life supporters, such as the National Right to Life Committee and the Roman Catholic Church, see assisted suicide as nothing more than giving doctors permission to commit murder. Instead of listening to pleas of the terminally ill patients, pro-life supporters believe we should just give them medicine to alleviate some of the pain they are experiencing until a natural death occurs. To me, it seems more cruel and morally corrupt to stand by and do nothing but attempt to relieve a terminally ill patient's pain, than to listen to a patient's dying request and ease their suffering under their own terms. Suicide is not an illegal act, yet opponents of voluntary euthanasia seem intent on keeping it a crime. In essence, pro-life supporters believe terminally ill patients are not capable of making a life and death decision, and elect themselves to speak on behalf of them, against the dying patient's wishes.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Compare/Contrast Nudity

Both photos of Tyra Banks and Jack Black have something in common. Both are using partial nudity to their advantage as a way of selling something to the public. However, Tyra and Jack use different appeals as a marketing campaign. Tyra, an internationally-known supermodel (now retired) uses her scantily clad sex appeal in runway shows as a way to sell lingerie to the public. In this day and age, beauty for women often means having a thin, toned frame with the perfect assets to compliment it. Tyra is using her supermodel body and looks to make women want to buy the outfit and men to beg their women to buy the outfit. Jack Black, however, use comical nudity as his selling point. Obviously not of the ideal body type of today's standards, Jack Black tries to appeal to consumers' sense of humor as a way to promote his movie, Nacho Libre. With his bare-chested, fishbowl belly, skin-tight tights, stand-alone mustache, and dishevelled hair, Jack Black is not trying for sex appeal as Tyra was, but is instead putting emphasis on the features most do not normally find attractive. So, while both are using nudity as a selling point, they chose approaches that best suited their intended audiences.

Vigilantism- Still Illegal

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Porn On A Plane!

I believe that porn should be allowed on airplanes, but I also think there should be some guidelines that come with it. While I see how people can be turned off by the thought, I don't think that censoring what people can and can't view over the internet is the right way to go about solving the issue. I don't suggest that people who plan on viewing pornography during the flight need special seating or curtains. I think that instead they should only allow pornography to be viewed if they have specialized screen covers that allows only them to view their computer screens. Wearing headphones to block out the sound is a must as well. Specialezed seating, personal curtains, or some sort of checklist allows everyone on the plane to have an idea of what you are viewing. Specialized screens, however, keep nosy seat neighbors, children, and flight attendents from knowing what you are doing on your computer, while keeping you satified at the same time.